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sumate a la comunidad blusera!!

Funky Black Town Radio

    viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

    "Norah Jones & Kat Edmonson" Austin City Limits 2013 DVDRIP

     Courtesy of Scott Newton for KLRU Kat Edmonson showcases the song stylings of her LP "Way Down Low." "Norah Jones/Kat Edmonson" - Jazz and pop cross on ACL with Norah Jones and Kat Edmonson. Jones sings songs from her Dangermouse-produced album "Little Broken Hearts." Edmonson showcases the song stylings of her LP "Way Down Low.

    " Norah Jones' 
    set list includes :
    "Little Broken Hearts," 
    "Say Goodbye," 
    "Take It Back," 
    and "Stuck."

     Kat Edmonson's 
    set list includes: 
    "I'm Not in Love," 
    "Long Way Home,"
     "Nobody Knows That,"
    and "I Don't Know."

    TIME :58:00

    1 comentario:

    1. Gracias por el aporte.
      con tu permiso voy a publicar esté video en mi blog de jazz rock record.
      saludos cordiales!!



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